Medicare FAQ's


Medicare FAQ's

Medicare FAQ’s

Answers to some frequently asked questions about Medicare. Insurance Reading time: 5 min
This year I turn 65 and plan to retire. When am I eligible to enroll in Medicare?
Assuming you’ve met the work-related eligibility requirements, you can start enrolling in Medicare 90 days before the month you turn 65.
Can my dependent spouse be in my Medicare plan?
Medicare does not cover spouses or dependents. Medicare is individual coverage. If your spouse has reached the age of eligibility (65), then they can sign up for Medicare of their own free will 90 days before the month they turn 65.
Can I keep my employer coverage?
Maybe. If the employer group has 20 or more eligible employees and you are going to continue working, then it is an option. But there are many things to consider
Do I need to sign up for Medicare Part “A” and Part “B”?
Part “A” is generally in effect and is a benefit paid when you turn 65. Part “B” is not, unless you signed up for Social Security before age 65. If you haven’t filed for Social Security benefits, you should proactively enroll in Part “B” benefits and start paying them.
Can I just have “Original Medicare” A+B as my health insurance when I retire?
Yes. However, you will not have prescription coverage and will face unlimited exposure to those costs due to gaps in Original Medicare.
Can I keep all of my same doctors when I'm on Medicare?
Normally you can. It’s important to make sure your doctor accepts Medicare. Some don’t.
Does Medicare cover me if I'm in a nursing home?
Yes, for up to 100 days, after a mandatory three-day hospital stay.
Does Medicare have dental plans?
Do not. But some Advantage plans offer limited dental coverage.
I am entitled to retiree benefits. Does that mean I won't need Medicare?
No, a retiree plan will generally include core Medicare benefits.
What is Part “D”?
Part “D” is the prescription drug plan that Medicare introduced in 2006.
What is a Part “C” plan?
Part “C” is another name for Medicare Advantage. Also called MA, MSA, or MA-PD (when prescriptions are included).
Where do I go to sign up for Medicare?
Online at SSA.gov or in person at a local Social Security office.
What is creditable coverage?
This is a Medicare term that states that prior coverage is at least as good as Medicare’s. It is usually in play for Part “D” to avoid the penalty.
Do I have to have a Medicare Advantage Plan and a Medicare Supplement Plan?
Do not.
